Hey guys I am back, I know it has been forever and a day, but I got inspired to write again. I think you sometimes just need a break from things. Well I have been super busy with Holiday things, my friends and my husband and I are going to New York for Christmas, so I needed to get a lot of that figured out. This past weekend I went to GA to do a photo shoot for a new clothing, cafe, band venue spot in little Valdosta, GA. My husband went to this amazing concert so I decided to bring my mom with me. I thought this would kill two birds with one stone, she has been giving me a really hard time about not seeing her and what better way to spend time together but a road trip! I decided to burn a couple of CD's for the trip since I don't have an ipod due to a terrible run in with a dogs mouth about a year ago. I had to burn a couple of CD's because not all the files would convert to MP3's (which is the best way to go!) I knew and listened to all the bands I put on the CDs, but when I started to listen to them I really grew a whole new appreciation for their music and really fell in love with a couple of the artists.
The first band is A
Fine Frenzy the lead singer Alison Sudol is so amazing. You can tell she is very Irish and it kind of brings me back to my roots! I will post the video for one of my favorite songs of hers!
The next is Joss Stone. I have always loved the blues and soul of Joss Stones music, but I think I had an epiphany. I have been asked so many times if I could choose a theme song for my life what would be? Well Joss Stone's "Right to be Wrong" would be it. Every word is me and how my life has always been! With verses like, "I've got a right to be wrong My mistakes will make me strong I'm stepping out into the great unknown I'm feeling wings though I've never flown" ahh she is amazing and just makes your heart sing!
The last one is
Feist. This spunky Canadian is amazingly creative. You have probably heard one of her songs as an ipod commercial "one, two, three, four".
As I was driving down the high way dancing and singing to her crazy songs I realized she is really weird! I think that is why I like her music so much, because a lot of her songs seem like something I would write. Her music makes me feel normal in a crazy world and don't we all need that sometimes in our lives? Check out all of these amazing female artist! I will be posting photos from GA as soon as I am done with them!