Last night my husband and I went to target, he was getting a movie and I was trying to pick out a book. I searched and searched, and couldn't decide on something, so we left. Well now I am at work (bored) and wanted to look up popular sellers on amazon.com. I found a book, and it looks so intreging I can't wait to go get it! It is called "a lifetime of secrets"
The book is a colection of the past three years. The author, Frank Warren has invited people to send him creatively decorated postcards bearing secrets they have never before revealed. He has some of the secrets on his blog www.PostSecret.com, and he has three other books that are bestselling: PostSecret, My Secret, and The Secret Lives of Men and Women.
The post cards are hand made and some of them have fun secrets, and others have very moving secrets like these two that I selected out of the many he has posted on his blog. I hope you all go out and read this book, I know I am! Let me know of any books that you are reading at the moment, I love suggestions.

ooooo! I saw something a while back about that book in a magazine. It's supposed to be really creative and really interesting. You'll have to let me borrow it!
I feel like it would make an AMAZING coffee table book.
Yeah Nate and I were saying it would be a great coffee table book, or a good bathroom book! I can't wait to get it, and you will just have to come over and use our bathroom to use it, lol :)
I LOVE Post Secret, I read my friend's copy awhile back...I want to get my hands on all his books. :)
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