I started reading this book yesterday called the "The Wednesday Letters".
In just the 3 chapters I read I was drawn in and almost in tears. The book is about an old couple who own a B&B and one night they both die in each others arms, ahh so romantic. They have 3 adult children and they come home to arrange the funeral, then they find boxes full of love letters that their father wrote to their mother each week on Wednesday. As they begin to open and read the letters, the children uncover the shocking truth about their past.
In addition, each one must deal with present-day challenges. Matthew has a troubled marriage, Samantha is a single mother, and Malcolm is the black sheep of the family who has returned home after a mysterious two-year absence.
This book really reminds readers about romance and inspires others to start their own "Wednesday letters" I know we could all use a reminder of why we feel in love with that special someone!
sounds fabulous and kind of like the notebook....i'm excited to read it!
That is so awesome! I love romantic stuff. Maybe I should start my own Wed Letters :)
I really would love to write letters to my husband for my children to find someday! As I continue to read I find out they aren't all love notes, they are kind of like his journal, but just in letter form and to his wife like if they had a fight that day he would state his frustration. That would be easy!
I know this blog post is over a year old but I hope you'll find this info anyway. I work with Jason and thought you’d like knowing he has a new contest on his web site where you can win a free trip-for-two to his hometown in VA, the Shenandoah Valley. All you have to do is mail him a Christmas card! All the details are here:
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