Since I missed Fabulous Finds Friday last week, I knew I had to do it this Friday!
Last night my husband and I got another pup. There will be many pictures up in a couple of days, but just haven't had time. So this F.F.F is all dog inspired!
We will start off with a little humor and this had me cracking up!
It is the Humunga Tongue toy
This will make you go dog wild! It is so funny.
Some of my friends dressed their 3 month old as a hot dog for Halloween, it was so cute!
We got a little boy, but if Dakota (our girl dog) wasn't 75lbs I would try and put her in this adorable thing!

Ok so enough with the out fits. My last Fabulous find is the best yet. Nate and I travel a lot and also love to take picnics when we can. This design makes it super easy to bring your pooch with you on all your trips! It is called the Charlybox and it is design to Carry their food and water and then it turns into dishes for the dog to eat and drink out of! Brilliant!

I can't wait to meet the new puppy!
All these things are so cute, they make me want my own puppy even more!
Ok so the tongue thing is the Funniest thing I've ever seen! HaHaHa. We might have to get it. And the dog dish is awesome. Especially for living here in the Park. :)
I want a weiner dog SO bad! When I get one, I'll dress him up in that hot dog costume. Classic.
oh my gosh if you do ever dress your dog up in this outfit PLEASE send a pictures to me! I think it is so funny when dogs are dressed up!
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