I'd like to introduce myself to you, I'm Nate, the husband of the beautiful girl who's smiling face greets you every day. a little background as to who i am: first and foremost i'm a husband, but the roles i play in my life are infinitely eclectic. i am also a musician(drummer to be specific), a photographer, a student (i graduated from ucf but it took so long to get my B.A. that i'm going to hold on to that title for as long as i'm alive i think), a nerd, a rogue(if you don't get it, don't ask) and i love to rock a feaux-hawk. I was honored that my wife would ask me to write for her today, and thought i'd share some thoughts that have been on my mind, about a specific and important topic to me: Trust.
what do you put your trust in?
is it possessions, or people, or knowledge, or ideas?
a child clutches his blanket and it brings him warmth and comfort as if he was still being held by his mother's arms.
are we any different? we all have our vices, our comforts, our escapes, our dependencies.
we have shoulders we cry on, friends we lean on, drugs, hobbies, exercises, and toys we turn to when our insecurities get the best of us.
what do you turn to when things get hard? who do you put your faith in when you can't see the best in yourself?
more importantly... who trusts in you? who do you know that fights everyday of their life to put on a smile, to have hope, to actually find reason to trust in people after so much hurt and a lifetime of pain and abuse and people that have taken advantage of them time and again?
trust is a funny thing. putting your life, your hopes, your dreams, your secrets, your vices, and your future into someone else's hands is a great responsibility, one only surpassed when someone places their lives into yours.
trusting someone can be exhilirating, confusing, and terrifying, while at the same time it is pure, comforting, and brilliantly simple.
Take an opportunity to let someone in, or take some extra time to listen when someone tells you what's going on in their life. you may find that by putting your life into someone else's hands will make you feel alive in a way you'd forgotten was even possible.
Very cool with the guest writer, I like it.
I love those thoughts too, we all seem to have trust issues nowadays. And I never thought to turn around and find out who was trusting me...kinda scary.
hm.... i like it.
I feel like I trust on a surface level really easily
but it takes me a really long time to trust someone
deeper than that. to really put something significant of me in their control.
I think once you get burned pretty badly, the scars are almost impossible to cross over into complete trust.
the process is theraputic though, I'll admit.
That was lovely. Your hubby is a poet.
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